Service Terms and Conditions in Spanish prevail over the present English translation. The English version is published for information purposes only and is not binding.
BIDEA LAB’s scope of supply is limited exclusively to analyzing the existing condition of the sample delivered at the time of inspection. BIDEA LAB is not responsible for the information and data provided by the customer for the performance of the test. The inspection reports and their results refer exclusively to the analyzed samples.
The scope of supply of the laboratory ends with the execution and delivery of the inspection report. BIDEA LAB will not comment on the results.
In the event that part of the inspection activities are dependent on an activity not included in the scope of accreditation, these activities will also be outside the scope of accreditation.
BIDEA LAB includes a qualification test in its commercial price offers for Initial Cleanliness Inspections. This test does not have to be repeated in subsequent inspections if there are no changes to the component at a production or construction level. The client is responsible to notify the laboratory of any changes in this regard. The laboratory is relieved of any liability in the event that the customer has made changes in the production or construction process of the test sample and such changes have not been notified to the laboratory.
BIDEA LAB does not perform inspections if not previously qualified. In the event that it is the client who provides the parameters for the qualification of the test, the entire test as a whole will be outside the scope of accreditation.
Inspection reports sent to the customer are considered as originals. A copy will be kept by BIDEA LAB for a period of 5 years. Reproduction of all or part of the test report is forbidden. Conformity acceptance criteria of the tests is carried out according to IT-LAB04 available in the “about us” section of this website.
It is the customer’s full responsibility to deliver the samples to be tested in a perfect state of conservation, preserved in such a way as to avoid contamination for its later analysis and in adequate quantity for its practice. Samples must arrive at the laboratory perfectly identified. BIDEA LAB reserves the right to reject samples if they are not received in perfect condition for analysis and / or testing, proceeding, at the discretion of the laboratory, to their return or disposal, at the customer’s expense.
Test samples may be damaged or deteriorate during the testing procedure, storage or transport and should be considered as rejects after inspection. Test samples are not subject to a post-treatment process. In general, in the post-inspection phase, the laboratory shall proceed as described in point five (5). Exceptionally, if despite this warning, the client requests the return of the inspected samples, the laboratory will proceed as described in point six (6). By requesting the return of samples, the client releases the laboratory from all responsibility for any damage to the samples and for the subsequent use of the samples.
Under normal conditions, the cost of destruction of the inspection samples (*) is included in BIDEA LAB’s sales prices. BIDEA LAB will proceed to scrap inspection samples immediately after the inspection is completed. The laboratory will be exempt from any responsibility for this fact.
(*) If the scrapping of the inspection samples involves an extraordinary cost for the laboratory, this cost will be described in BIDEA’s price offer.
Scrapping costs are calculated on the basis of three criteria:
- If the sample is composed of more than one type of material.
- If the dimensions of the sample are larger than [mm] 100 x 150 x 150
- If the sample exceeds 5 kg.
Extraction filters are retained for a period of 3 months from the date of the test report as part of the laboratory’s quality assurance measures, after which time the laboratory will proceed to destroy them. The laboratory will be exempt from any responsibility for this fact.
If, despite the warning described in point 4, the customer decides to request the return of the test samples, the laboratory must be notified in writing upon service confirmation.
The preparation of samples for return is subject to a fee of €20.
The customer shall collect the samples within a maximum period of seven (7) calendar days from the date of delivery of the inspection reports, under EXW conditions (packaging, transport and risk damages being at the customer’s expense).
The laboratory will pack inspected samples for return in the same packaging that the client used when they were shipped to the laboratory for inspection.
Samples must arrive at the laboratory properly packed and identified. BIDEA LAB reserves the right to reject samples if they are not received in appropriate conditions.
It is the client’s sole responsibility to ensure that the samples to be tested are delivered to BIDEA LAB in perfect condition, preserved in a way that prevents contamination for subsequent analysis, and in an adequate quantity for practical use.
The samples must arrive at the laboratory properly identified. BIDEA LAB reserves the right to reject samples if they are not received in suitable condition for analysis and/or testing, proceeding, at the laboratory’s discretion, to return or dispose of them at the client’s expense.
For more details, please read FAQ 5, 6, 7 and 8 in this section.
Quoted prices are always subject to confirmation and are not binding until a written purchase order has been confirmed. All prices quoted are EXW (ex works) without packaging and they are subject to VAT when approriate. If the contamination load of the sample to be tested is such that it saturates the test equipment, a cleaning surcharge of EUR 1000 due to loss of capacity will be charged in addition to the purchase order amount.
The execution time of BIDEA LAB’s analytical services will be approximately seven to ten working days after receipt of the order and the samples (both conditions are necessary for the start of the services). If BIDEA LAB foresees a delay in relation to the standard delivery deadlines, the customer will be notified accordingly.
BIDEA LAB’s payment term is 30 days net after delivery of the inspection reports by bank transfer to the account number indicated on the invoices. All bank charges, discounts or other costs shall be borne by the customer. All costs arising from the return of invoices or any other bank charges incurred due to non-payment by the customer on the agreed due date shall be borne by the customer.
BIDEA LAB and the client agree to treat as confidential all documents, data, materials and information that one of them provides to the other and not to disclose them to third parties or use them for purposes other than the execution and development of the contracted service, unless prior written consent of the other party. This obligation shall remain valid even after the termination of the contract. Both parties undertake to impose the same level of confidentiality to employees or suppliers involved in the contracted activity.
For the beginning of any of the contracted services it is necessary a formal and express acceptance of BIDEA LAB’s offer either by means of a purchase order or payment in advance.
The client shall be responsible for the payment to BIDEALAB of the purchase price indicated in the order within the due dates indicated by BIDEALAB in its service invoice.
BIDEA LAB’s terms and conditions of sale prevail over any other terms and conditions of purchase. As an independent third party, BIDEA LAB does not submit to commercial pressures of any kind in defense of its commitment to impartiality.
The content of BIDEA LAB’s commercial offer and its general terms and conditions of sale for the performance of the service shall be deemed fully accepted by the customer at the time BIDEA LAB starts performing the work ordered. The start of work represents the client’s explicit acceptance of and agreement with BIDEA LAB’s terms and conditions of sale.
The personal data provided will be processed by BIDEA LAB, SLU with NIF B66578782 in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. The data provided will be processed for the time necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which they are processed, and for the time necessary for the fulfillment of the legal obligations of the controller. The data will not be transferred or communicated to third parties, except in the cases legally established. We remind you that you have the right to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, limitation, opposition and portability free of charge by sending an e-mail to info@bidea-lab.com or to the following address: C/ Mejía Lequerica, 8 , 08028 – Barcelona (Barcelona) and request the protection of the Spanish Data Protection Agency at www.aepd.es.
BIDEA LAB’s liability for claims of any nature whatsoever shall not exceed in the aggregate the unit inspection price and in no event shall include damages arising from lost profits, loss of revenue, production or use, capital costs, downtime costs, delays and claims of Buyer’s customers, substitute energy costs, loss of anticipated savings, increased operating costs or any special, indirect or consequential damages or losses of any kind whatsoever. The limitation of liability contained in this clause shall prevail over any other limitation contained in any other contractual document that is contradictory or inconsistent with this clause, unless such provision further restricts BIDEA LAB’s liability.
These General Terms and Conditions published on the website replace all previous documents containing them and may be subject to change at any time, without prior notice, written or otherwise.
These Terms and Conditions are valid for all business relations between BIDEA LAB, S.L.U. (BIDEA LAB) and the client (even if no express reference is made to them). Customer General Terms and Conditions are not part of the contract, even if they are not expressly contradicted. By placing an order with BIDEA LAB, the customer declares its binding consent to these General Conditions.
Client, in the sense of these General Conditions, is understood to be the natural or legal person with sufficient legal capacity to contract the services of BIDE LAB. Spanish legislation shall be applicable to these General Conditions, as well as to any legal relations which may arise from their application and interpretation. For the interpretation and application of these general contracting conditions, the parties submit themselves, renouncing any other jurisdiction, to the courts of Barcelona (Spain).
The execution deadline of BIDEA LAB’s analytical services is approximately seven to ten working days after receipt of the order and samples (both conditions are necessary for the start of the services).
Test samples may be damaged or deteriorate during testing, storage period or return transport. Test samples do not undergo post-treatment and they should be considered as rejects.
On a normal basis, the laboratory shall include the cost of sample destruction in its price offers and proceeds to destroy them immediately upon completion of the test remaining exempt from any liability for this fact.
The client may request the return of the test samples upon confirmation of the service. In this case, the laboratory will pack them in the same packaging in which they were delivered and will make them available to the client, who must collect them within a period not exceeding 7 days.
If the destruction of samples involves an extraordinary cost to the laboratory, scrapping costs will be included in BIDEA LAB’s price offer.
In general, after the inspection, the laboratory will proceed to scrap the samples.
Exceptionally, if the customer wishes to recover the samples after the inspection, the laboratory must be notified along with the price offer confirmation.
The preparation / conditioning of samples for return is subject to a fee of 20€ (verification, reconditioning of the order, transfer to the shipment area area, documentation and traceability).
Return samples must be picked up by the client at its expense and risk in a period no longer than seven calendar days following the delivery of the inspection report. Samples will be returned in the same packaging in which they were received.
By requesting the return of samples, the client exempts the laboratory from any responsibility for damage or for the subsequent use that could be made of them.
Extraction filters are retained for a period of 3 months from the date of the test report as part of the laboratory’s quality assurance measures.
After this period, the laboratory will proceed to destroy test filters. The laboratory is exempted from any liability for this event. It is not technically possible to return extraction filters.
Before shipping samples it is important to consider the level of cleanliness to be evaluated.
- Prepare the packaging to be used for the samples
VDA 19.1 and ISO 16232 speak of layered packaging. Ideally, samples should be packed with three levels of protection. When determining the packaging, discard paper, cardboard or polymeric foams in contact with the items to be tested. The outer layer of the packaging can be cardboard.
- Think about identification of samples
Prepare the labels to be used or the identification documents considering that the identification given to the test items must be fully coincident with the identification of the item whose test has been quoted by the laboratory. Avoid packing multiple test samples together unless they are identified in such a way that the laboratory is left in no doubt as to the identification of each group of samples. Unidentified samples will be rejected.
- Selection of test samples
Samples should be representative of the level of cleanliness obtained by the process. This requires ensuring that the operator collecting the sample does not contaminate it. Use of clean gloves and clothing that does not shed fibers is necessary. Avoid touching samples with dirty hands. Do not mark them with marker pens or adhesive labels. Place the test samples carefully in the packaging. Avoid dropping them from a height and avoid hitting them during the packing process.
Samples should be identified with a delivery note or similar containing the name/description of the test sample. If samples are not correctly identified, the laboratory reserves the right to reject them. A copy of BIDEA’s offer can be placed in the sample delivery box. Please avoid identification on the outer shipping box as it may be covered by other carrier labels or barcodes.
The packaging concept of samples for cleanliness testing according to VDA 19.1:2015 / ISO 16232:2018 could be described as “onion layers”. Ideally, the parts to be tested, should be packed in at least three layers:
- Outer layer (transport packaging):
This is usually a cardboard box, although other materials may be suitable. If placed in the outer layer, sample identification documents should be placed in such a way that other carrier labels or barcodes do not cover them. To prevent this, it is recommended to place identification documents inside the transport packaging.
In addition, it is also recommended to condition the transport packaging with elements (e.g. bubble plastic) to prevent samples from moving and knocking against each other, which can cause detachment of particles during transport and distort inspection results.
- Intermediate layer:
This layer protects the inner layer (which is the layer of packaging in contact with the sample to be tested) and it is removed at the incoming materials SAS of the laboratory. Please use, for example, a polypropylene bag (clean, not reused and closed) or similar. Avoid the use of paper, cardboard, self-cutting closures or polymeric foams.
- Inner layer (packaging in contact with the sample):
This layer is removed inside the laboratory clean room. When selecting the packaging in contact with the item to be tested, please ensure that the packaging does not release particles, it is clean, closed and not reused. Please check that the component is sufficiently protected against external contamination aswell. Suitable materials are, for example, hermetically sealed polypropylene bags, ESD bags….
- Fingerprints (hand cream/sweat residue).
- Materials in contact with the sample that may generate particles, e.g. paper, cardboard, polymeric foam…
- Contact of samples with each other with the consequent risk of particle generation.
- Identification with permanent markers/adhesive labels directly on the sample to be tested.
- Incorrect closure of the sample bags.
- Packaging of hot samples (risk of condensation).
You can ask for a pricing by sending an email to info@bidea-lab.com
Please incude:
- Name or reference of the sample to be tested.
- Material
- Image of the sample’s geometry.
- Surface area of the testing area.
- Customer’s standard or specification.
- Requirements to be verified.
We are at your disposal by phone at +34 931 595 691 or by e-mail at info@bidea-lab.com.
On a normal basis, the quotation process begins with the completion of a technical study. However, in many cases the customer’s requirements are complex and the field of technical cleaning is still new, so your case is not unique. We are here to help you.
Our team of technical experts will guide and advise you accordingly. Please do not hesitate to call us at 931 595 691 or send us an email to info@bidea-lab.com and we will get in touch with you within 24 hours.
The reports will be uploaded to our client area within seven to ten working days after receipt of the order and samples. The requestor will receive a notification email. Reports will be available for download during a period of 15 days.
Inspection reports are prepared based on the information and data provided by the client for the analytical service. It is not possible to modify a report to incorporate additional data provided to the laboratory after the inspection test has been performed or to correct errors not attributable to the laboratory.
In case of disagreement there is a complaints procedure that we can make available upon request.
BIDEA LAB has a procedure for dealing with complaints and claims in relation to potential non-conforming work that we can make available upon request. In any case, the request must be submitted in writing to info@bidea-lab.com.
Remember: Please describe clearly the reason for the request and indicate the report number concerned.
We will immediately acknowledge receipt of your claim. Our technical team will open an investigation process. We will contact you within 24-48 hours in response to your request.

Ask us
Call us at +34 931 595 691
Alternatively, fill out the following form, and we will contact you as soon as possible