931 595 691


Technical Cleanliness Inspections: Particulate contamination analysis

VDA 19.1 – ISO 16232

Do you need to verify your clients’ technical cleanliness requirements? Contact us!

Standard analysis

VDA 19.1:2015 – ISO 16232: 2018
A standard technical cleanliness inspection is carried out in accordance with the test methods specified in VDA 19.1 and ISO 16232:2018 by extraction, analysis filtration, optical microscopy and evaluation of results. In addition, customer company standards, instructions and specifications complementary to VDA 19.1 / ISO 16232 must be considered.

Extended analysis

VDA 19.1:2015 – ISO 16232: 2018
An extended technical cleanliness analysis is carried out in accordance with the test methods specified in VDA 19.1 and ISO 16232:2018. However, in this case,  analytical techniques go beyond the standard metallic shiny-non shiny classification of particles. By incorporating SEM-EDX and FT-IR evaluation techniques, determination of the real and unambiguous nature of the material is achieved. This avoids potential false positive or negative results derived from a metallic shiny/non shiny classification. Customer’s own standards and specifications are of vital importance.

On-site analysis of large components

VDA 19.1:2015 – ISO 16232: 2018
Sometimes the components to be inspected are large. They cannot be moved, campled or positioned appropriately and the extractive part of the inspection becomes a highly complex process (i.e. battery cases, large pipes, crankcases, crankshafts etc.) In addition, it may well be that each area must be tested in a specific way. At BIDEA we have specific extraction systems for large components. We carry out the extractive part of the test in your facilities guaranteeing the blank value of the test equipment. Once the particulate load has been extracted in the client facilities, the inspection continues in our laboratory clean room.

Analysis based on customer-specific standards

Has your customer provided you with its own technical cleanliness specifications, standards or instructions? We work with a wide variety of customer specific standards. Can’t find the specification you are looking for? Contact us!

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